In the closing month of 2015, the Equal Justice Center surpassed the milestone of $8.5 million recovered in wage theft cases for low-wage working men and women.
EJC attorneys and staff, working from its offices in Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas, provide legal representation for low-wage working people across Texas. EJC’s clients include construction laborers, janitorial and cleaning service workers, restaurant cooks and dishwashers, landscape laborers, and workers in a host of other industries. They are U.S. citizens, documented immigrants, and undocumented immigrants. They are women, men, young people and older workers.
The common factors among them all are (1) the hard, honest work they perform to support themselves and their families; and (2) their determined use of the legal system to vindicate their right to be paid what they have earned.
“The Equal Justice Center empowers low-wage working people to take control of enforcing their own rights,” observes EJC San Antonio attorney Philip Moss. ”We put the law and the legal system at our clients’ disposal and with those tools they can hold unscrupulous employers accountable, exercising a direct power that they – and often their employers – did not previously know they had.”
The EJC is the leading law firm in Texas specialized in protecting the employment rights of low-wage workers. Its pioneering work continues to advance access to workplace justice without regard to income or immigration status.