Legal Help With Wage Problems
In the summer of 2015, the Equal Justice Center surpassed the milestone of $8 million recovered in wage theft cases for low-wage working people.
EJC attorneys and staff, working from its offices in Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas, provide legal representation for low-wage working people across Texas. EJC’s clients include construction laborers, janitorial and cleaning service workers, restaurant cooks and dishwashers, landscape laborers, and workers in a host of other industries. The EJC fights to ensure that all workers can enforce their basic rights in the workplace, regardless of income or immigration status.
The Equal Justice Center may be able to help you if:
- You were not paid the amount promised to you for your work; or
- You worked more than 40 hours a week and did not receive extra overtime pay; or
- Your actual pay works out to less than $7.25 an hour when you divide your pay by the number of hours you worked in each week; or
- You were not paid for all of the hours that you worked; or
- You did construction work on a government project and were not paid the required prevailing wage rate; or
- Your employer made illegal deductions from your pay.
- The right to be paid minimum wage and overtime pay applies to most employees, including workers that are paid by day rate, piece rate, and salary. The law also protects workers that are paid in cash and off-the-books.
For legal assistance or questions about your rights at work, please call 800-853-4028, or contact the EJC location nearest you.
Notice: This is general information and is not legal advice.